I wish I could find the grave for William Hardcastle, English servant. He first shows up in the 1880 census as a laborer in the household of Louis B. Jones and his wife, Helen. The census indicates that he was born in 1828 in England and was single. In 1900, William Hardcastle is listed as a servant in Louis's household once again, 75 years old, born in England and with 1855 given as year of immigration to the U.S. After Louis died, William went to live with Sarah Jones Browning, Louis's remarried daughter-in-law. He was still living in 1910, 86 years old, in her household.
William was more than a servant, I believe, because Louis named his youngest son William Hardcastle Jones. Perhaps he is buried in the Jones family plot without a marker. We'll likely never know the circumstances that brought him to Lafayette County from England, but he is remembered now, nearly a century later.
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