The grave below belongs to David Scott Tankersley, born May 15, 1829 and died December 22, 1913. There is a tall marker in addition to the oval one on the ground. Also, there is a tablet style marker with the label "Our Father." David was the son of Reuben Tankersley and Aisley Scott Tankersley, early immigrants to the area.

Below is an oval marker for a child, Robert O. Shaw.

Mona, I'm glad you posted abut oval markers. The only ones I've encountered in the hill country of eastern Monroe County are at Lann Cemetery near Splunge. Interesting and most unique form of marker --- thanks for this information.
Terry, admittedly I am not a graveyard expert (not quite yet!), but I've spent a lot of time in them over the past several years and this type of marker was new to me (or either I've been oblivious to them!).